Thank You & Some Organizational News

First I want to personally thank Jacob Robinson for jumping on board and helping me get this organization going. He designed our logo and has been helping me work through decisions on how we build the club. Thanks Jacob!!!

I also wanted to say thank you for all of your support during our t-shirt fundraiser. We sold 93 t-shirts and made $750 profit. That money will be used to pay a one time IMBA administrative fee and cover part of our insurance premium for the year.

Here are some update as to what we have been working on.

Board of Directors – I have been interviewing potential board members so that we can get our first meeting scheduled, get Bylaws approved and set some goals set for our first year. I am still working through the list, slowly, but hope to have this completed by the middle of Oct.

Corporation and Non-Profit Status – I have submitted the first 2 forms needed to get the process started. This is a slow and confusing process for sure.

Insurance – I have a quote for general liability insurance and will have insurance as soon as we appoint a Board of Directors.

Weekly rides – We have started hosting a weekly Monday night ride.. Thanks to Jacob for covering for me while my wrist heals.

Logo’d Pint Glasses – The pint glasses were delivered but were returned due to very poor quality. We are working with the company now to get replacements or a refund.

Advocacy work

Meetings – Jacob and I attended our first Riverside County Trails Committee Meeting on 8/27 and made some great contacts and heard about some very cool projects that are going on within the County. I will be doing a write up on the meeting as soon as I can.

Vail Lake – I made a call to Rancho Water to let them know that our club was very interested in seeing the Vail Lake Trails stay open for recreational and competitive use. Rancho Water directed me to The California Parks Company, who has been hired to manage the property. I sent the Vice President of Cal Parks an email from the club letting him know that our 300 members wanted Vail to stay open and that our club is available to provide resources to make that happen. I am waiting to hear back from him.

Club Membership – We are also almost ready to start offering club memberships. We are working on a very special surprise for the initial members of the club. We want the members that help start the club to get some special recognition so stand by for that exciting announcement..

That should give you enough to chew on for now..

Thanks again for all of your support.

Rex & Jacob